English Country Dance Choreographies

After years of English country dancing—since I was 8 years old—I’ve only recently begun creating my own English country dance choreographies. I love it! It’s such a fun combination of movement, interaction, musical expression, and puzzle solving. I was very prolific before the coronavirus came in and shut everything down, creating new choreographies and sending them out into the world. They were already starting to be danced in dance halls across the country, and the feedback on them has been wonderful so far. I started choreographing again in May 2021, with Red-Tailed Hawk, and then wrote Awakening for the Playford-to-the-Present ball in October 2021. I’m now getting back into a groove and choreographing more. In June 2022, I offered up an original dance for the Hey Days auction, and got two takers for it. I even won a dance-writing competition in May 2022 with my dance As You Were! 🙂

The links below have information about each dance, including the instructions, music, and video(s). I’m also happy to share recordings if you need one, since I often have to edit the recording or change the tempo to suit the dance. Feel free to contact me at camusr6 at gmail dot com.

I hope you try out my dances and enjoy them! I’d love to hear from you about it if you do. 🙂

Here are my ECD choreographies so far:

The Artful Dodsons (3-couple longways jig) — written for Allen and Alisa Dodson

As You Were (3-couple longways jig) — 2022 May Heydays Prize Winner!

Awakening (duple minor longways waltz)

Drunkard’s Walk (4-couple longways jig)

The Green Light (duple minor longways) — written in honor of Sharon Green

Inklings Romp (duple minor longways slip jig)

Little Grey Cat (duple minor longways jig) — written for Katy Muzikar

Red-Tailed Hawk (duple minor longways waltz)

Shindig (duple minor longways) — BRAND NEW!

Steppy Downs (duple minor longways 3/2)

Tetherball (duple minor longways reel)

Tie the Knot (duple minor longways jig) — written with Alex Bradley for our anniversary — NEW!

Trip to Skye (duple minor longways waltz)

Wink (duple minor longways slip jig) — Published in the CDSS Newsletter, Spring 2024!

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